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Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh

Overflowing with vibrant colours and ethnological richness, Arunachal Pradesh is a culturally and ecologically diverse state. Its name literally translates to- the land of the rising sun or, the land of the dawn-lit mountains, which is a reference to the fact that the sun rises here first, before any other place. Arunachal Pradesh is home to many tribes and ethnic groups who have developed many skills over the years — from fishing and hunting to embroidery and creating other traditional handicrafts. The people continue to honour tradition, as they pass their skillset from one generation to the next, ensuring that they remain true to their culture. Arunachal Pradesh’s clothing and fashion style remains static and unaffected by the modern world and its dynamic trends. However, due to the geographical location, their styles are heavily inspired by Tibet and Bhutan.

Traditional Clothing In Arunachal Pradesh



With the variety of cultures present in the state, the clothing is equally diverse. Each tribe has its own set of customs and norms that are eagerly reflected in its fashion choices. For example, the clothing style of the Adi, Mishmi, and Aptami tribes is inspired by geometrical patterns, which represents their celebratory nature and ancient traditions.


Arunachal Pradesh dresses of women typically have a sleeveless chemise, accompanied by an embroidered jacket with long sleeves. A skirt or petticoat is worn under it. Their outfit is considered incomplete if it lacks a “mushaik” or waist-coat. To add a hint of elegance, “gurdam” - a skull cap filled with yak hair is worn. 



The men of Arunachal Pradesh mostly wear simple clothing like shirts, cloaks, jackets, and hats, customized as per their tribe. However, certain tribes follow a hierarchy in terms of their distinctive clothing styles. For instance, men from the Sherdukpan tribe wear garments made out of silk whereas, the Wanchoo Tribe has a blue band (worn on arms and legs) meant to be donned exclusively by the Chief’s family members.


 Men of most ethnic communities belong to higher altitudes and therefore, their clothes are made of fur to keep them warm. Headgears are very commonly worn by men of various tribes; some made from feathers, some made from tusks of animals. The tribes generally prefer to adorn clothing made from naturally sourced materials like goat hair and barks of trees. These materials are used to make shawls, skirts, scarves, coats and more. Locally worn colours include scarlet red, emerald, yellow, black, and dark blue. 

Staple Jewellery & Accessories

Tribes in the state deem belts an essential part of any traditional dresses of Arunachal Pradesh worn by women, both in their everyday lives and times of occasions or ceremonies. They also go far as to believe it to be a symbolic gesture of a woman’s societal and marital status. Silver jewellery, inspired from tribal designs, is the main accessory for both men and women. Some sacred pieces of jewellery, used during wedding rituals include- a headgear called, Koktung and DoomoiChe, or the sword that the bride carries during the wedding. Hats are also made from natural raw materials like bamboo and cane.

Jewellery in Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur reflects the rich cultural heritage of the region, with intricate designs featuring tribal motifs and the use of materials such as beads, shells, and metal, playing an important role in the adornment of both men and women.