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Rogan Painting

Rogan Painting

The craftsmen of Bhuj indulge in striking Rogan painting, whose designs are said to be so perfectly done all through the fabric that it is called the art of mirroring without a mirror. It is believed that the artisans sit with just their thoughts and start working directly with paint on the fabric without any prior design in mind. It is one of those art forms that are near extinction. Just one family keeps it alive today.

Tracing Origin

Rogan art is believed to have migrated from Persia, crossing borders to Kutch around 300 years ago in the abode of the Khatri Community in Nirona. In Persian, ‘Rogan’ means oil (castor oil). Rogan art gets its name from the main ingredient in its creation.

Today only a total of eight men belonging to Abdul Gaffar Khatri’s family are the creators of this masterpiece.


How It’s Done

It all starts with castor oil. Oil is obtained from castor seeds and heated for two days until it resembles a honey-like texture. The boiling is an extremely tedious and dangerous procedure, carried out by only the highly skilled men of the family. Once the mixture cools, it is crushed by hand with natural blocks of colour until they unite into one. The making of these colour stones is kept a secret by the family. It’s the versatile use of the hand that separates this art from other art forms.

The colour blended oil mixture is then swirled around with a metal stick on the palm of the craftsman’s hand until it softens and emerges as a thin strand resembling a thread. This thread is then used to create intricate designs with the help of the metal stick directly on fabric. The painting process is completely free hand and god gifted. Before this paint dries on the fabric, multiple copies are mirrored on different fabrics for optimum usage of skill and time.


Completion of articles have been said to take about 5 days to 2 years based on the design and intricacy it demands.

Design Elements

A pure array of imagination poured out on fabric is Rogan. History saw natural motifs and patterns drawn from folk culture and stories of Kutch. The motifs see an influence of Persian style. Phool (flower), Trikhani(three dots), Vesun(wavy borders), and Jhad(trees) are among the traditional motifs used.


An ornate art, Rogan print has a colour palette of yellow, red, blue, green, black and orange.

Rogan Painting Today

This art today finds its Tree Of Life article hanging in former POTUS Barack Obama’s abode in the USA. It was gifted by PM Narendra Modi on his visit in 2014. Students and Fashion designers today are helping in reviving this art by giving it a global platform. Salita Nandu is one such designer who took Rogan painting from Persia to Paris. Now everyone knows what Rogan art is and how it is important for us.


Rogan painting is a traditional art form from Gujarat, India that involves using castor oil to create intricate designs on fabric, and while it is not directly related to Madhubani painting, both art forms share a common origin in the Indian state of Bihar.

Image Credits

Baaya Design | Amounee | D’Source | Rogan Art Nirona | The Statesman | | Gujarat Tourism | Moowon | TRT World | Trip Advisor | Maverick Times | The Better India | Telegraph