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Devina Salarpuria
Born and brought up in Chennai, Tamil Nadu and now living in Kolkata, West Bengal, Devina Salarpuria has had the advantage of getting exposed to the best of two worlds. The academic southern outlook and the individualistic northern sentiment. Always experimenting with her own style and inclined towards the creative space, Devina pursued fashion and realized her love for textile and design. Her other hobbies include dancing (trained in Ballet for 11 years)and spending time in the outdoors.
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
8th June 1985
Educational Qualification
B. Fashion Technology, NIFT
Founding date/year of the brand
The beginning…
A graduate of the National Institute of Fashion Technology, Devina set foot as co-founder of a luxury management company inviting Indian and International designers to showcase in the city of Kolkata. Designing being her first love while also being socially active, was a natural progression towards her own venture to create unique garments for urban women, with a sense of responsibility towards society.
Studio Moda
Studio Moda aims at creating a balance between fashion aesthetic and social consciousness, being poetic in design and altruist in the soul. It works towards its vision by creating employment for lesser privileged women of Bengal. The label also uses 100% pure materials while working towards minimising waste.
Highlighted Collections
Bling & Barood AW19-20 In the second collection after launch, designer Devina Salarpuria explored handcrafted metal rivets and power silhouettes.
Rochelle Rao
Awards & Accolades
Young Achiever award - IIHM Jewel of Bengal awards
#gotgame, is a special collection launched in collaboration with ''women in sports'', an organisation working towards the upliftment of underprivileged women in sports in Bengal.
One person living/dead you’d like to dress?
Chloe Lopes Gomes and Dia Mirza
Studio Moda Image Gallery