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Devyani Singh
Devyani Singh was born and brought up in Lucknow. She then moved to Pune for Bachelors.
18th July 1991
Educational Qualification
B.Design and ISE
Founding date/year of the brand
The beginning…
Devyani worked with designers before starting her own label.
SHI in Japanese means “poetic” ORI means “weave”.SHIORI, as a brand, tells a story of various art forms and aspects of life inspiring to create something new, woven with an image that evokes the same sense into every soul who dons our creations. SHIORI is an experience that offers a concoction of heritage textiles, artisanal values and timeless trends, with a vision to empower Indian craftsmen and to promote their crafts worldwide. Every textile, pattern and artwork tells a tale and we weave it into beautiful designs to be embraced every day.
Highlighted Collections
The SS'20 experimented with a new style of block printing that creates a pattern using many different designs and shapes of blocks in one placement. The block printing pattern has become the signature design element of Shiori.
Anupriya Goenka
One person living/dead you’d like to dress?
Michelle Obama
Shiori Image Gallery