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Hemant & Didier
Hemant, co-founder of Genes Lecoanet Hemant moved to Berlin at the age of 15, and to France. He exhibits an unending passion for music and languages, and also for travel & culture. Didier Lecoanet is the 3rd sibling in a French family of 7 children. His father was a Géomètre, establishing the ground maps of France. Like his business partner Hemant, Didier too is passionate about travelling and exploring diverse cultures!
Hemant: India; Didier: France
Hemant: 26th September 1957; Didier: 8th April 1955
Educational Qualification
Hemant & Didier: Design Graduates
Founding date/year of the brand
The beginning…
Didier Lecoanet was influenced by the arts through his family, and first trained to become a painter followed by a graph artist. Later on, he enrolled to become a designer. On the other hand, Hemant Sagar had a natural inclination towards all things beautiful and went straight for Design School to hone his passion.
Genes Lecoanet Hemant
Genes Lecoanet Hemant is an amalgamation of French Couture and Asian/Indian Culture. Hemant Sagar & Didier Lecoanet associated in 1979 and set up Genes Lecoanet Hemant that was first on Faubourg Sr.Honoré, Paris and was later classified as Haute Couture by the French Ministry in 1984. In the year 2000, the duo moved their business to India to set up a 100.000 sq foot hitech factory in Gurgaon, India.
Celebrities in Genes Lecoanet Hemant
Melanie Griffith, Kareena Kapoor, etc.
Brand Collaborations
Mercedes Benz, Hyatt, PVR Cinemas and many more.
Awards & Accolades
The Haute Couture Golden Thimble - 1994 The Swarovski Creation Prize of the City of Paris - 2006 Designer of the Year at Miami Fashion Week - 2007
One person living/dead you’d like to dress?
Mona Lisa
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